kuantitas model Derek balok tunggal listrik LD10t-16,5 m 2 unit derek overhead gelagar ganda LH20t-16,5 m 2 unit derek jembatan gelagar ganda LH32t-16,5 m 2 unit derek kantilever BZD0.5t-4,5 m 6 unit
Penulis: idcraneyt
Perusahaan Teknik Pemeliharaan Air Aljazair menyesuaikan gantry crane baru
Dongqi Crane Company recently successfully completed the upgrade and installation of five gantry cranes for a water conservancy engineering company in Algeria and the replacement of bridge cranes in the factory’s internal production line. These technological innovations not only improved the performance of the equipment, but also made the water conservancy project more efficient. Provides […]
Derek Di Atas Kepala / Derek Gantry Untuk Anhui Shengyun Environmental Protection (Group) Co., Ltd.
Kuantitas model Derek balok tunggal listrik LD5t-19,5 m 6 unit derek balok tunggal listrik LD10t-19,5 m 4 unit derek overhead girder ganda LH50t-22,5 m 2 unit derek gantry MH16t×24m 1 set
Pabrik balok prefabrikasi Amerika menyesuaikan 2 derek RTG
Dongqi Crane, as a well-known crane manufacturer in the industry, has been committed to providing customers with high-quality, high-performance lifting equipment. The case shared by Dongqi Crane today is two RTG cranes customized by a prestressed concrete bridge manufacturing plant in the United States. Through this transaction and cooperation with the prestressed concrete bridge manufacturer, […]
Produsen semen Italia membeli 1 kerekan rantai listrik untuk pabrik pembuatan cetakan
Dongqi Crane can provide customized lifting equipment according to customer needs. Even different factories in the same industry will have different requirements for lifting equipment. The case shared by Dongqi Crane today is that an Italian cement manufacturer customized an electric chain hoist for a mold manufacturing plant. This case will conduct a detailed analysis […]
Derek overhead 350 ton yang disesuaikan untuk pabrik penempaan baja di India
In response to the needs of a construction engineering company, we were honored to tailor-make a 350-ton overhead crane. This crane not only has strong lifting capacity, but also reaches industry-leading levels in terms of structural design, material selection, and safety performance. We are well aware that construction projects have high requirements for lifting equipment, […]
Prinsip desain dan penggunaan terbaik dari berbagai jenis derek di atas kepala
Anyone planning a new facility which requires overhead lifting must include an electric overhead travelling crane (EOTC) in the options they consider. The term encompasses a wide variety of designs which, between them, can provide a solution for virtually every situation. The starting point in coming to any decision is an understanding of the various […]
Derek jembatan yang disesuaikan untuk pompa vakum dan produsen pompa sentrifugal
Dongqi Crane has always provided customized lifting equipment solutions for customers in different industries with its outstanding technical strength and innovative ability. Recently, we have successfully designed and manufactured QDO European style overhead cranes and semi gantry cranes for a pump company, both of which perfectly meet the production needs of the pump company and […]
Sistem derek overhead yang disesuaikan untuk pabrik peralatan pengolahan makanan di Denmark
Dongqi Crane, as a well-known domestic lifting equipment supplier, has long been committed to providing customized bridge crane solutions for factory workshops in many manufacturing industries. Today, we are pleased to share a successful case involving a food processing equipment factory in Denmark. This Danish food processing equipment factory has won wide recognition from customers […]
Pembelian Pabrik Tekstil Bandung 3 Ton Kerekan Tali Kawat Gaya Eropa
Recently, Dongqi Crane successfully sold a 3-ton European electric wire rope hoist to a textile factory in Bandung. The introduction of this high-performance lifting equipment will greatly improve the production efficiency and material handling convenience of the textile factory. This 3-ton European electric wire rope hoist is a lifting equipment carefully developed by Dongqi Crane […]